Microsoft ditching points for Xbox Live with next system update

Microsoft ditching points for Xbox Live with next system update (original article)

Earlier this year, Microsoft had made its intentions of phasing out the wretched Points system on Xbox Live rather clear, but what it didn’t outline was the timeline. Larry Hryb, Director of Programming for Xbox Live, has just announced that come the next system update, the MS Points will be eliminated.
Microsoft had said earlier this year during the announcement of the Xbox One that the company will also be doing away with the wretched MS Points system, which had become the cause of frustration for many gamers. The issue was not just with the arbitrary conversion of real money to Points, but also when translating different currencies into Points. Since Points could only be bought in USD equivalents, international customers ended up paying more for their Points than the US counterparts due to various currency conversion factors.
Microsoft plans on implementing with the next system update for the Xbox 360 will be a local currency purchase system, where you will be able to purchase content in your local currency, hence saving the cost of currency conversion and various taxes associated with it. It would seem that the new purchase system has been in testing with the current Xbox Live Beta Dashboard and if the program completes successfully, the ability to purchase content in local currencies will also make it to your console.
However, if you’re one of those who has a lot of points accrued, or own those Microsoft Points gift card, the Redmond Giant isn’t willing to hang you out to dry. Here’s what Major Nelson had to say about the matter:
“Don’t worry about your Microsoft Points Cards either. We’ll continue to accept purchased Microsoft Points Cards and codes until further notice, and we’ll add to your account an amount of local currency equal to or greater than the Marketplace value of those points. In addition, we know you’ve worked hard on your Microsoft Points earned through Xbox Live Rewards. These will remain in your Xbox Live account and transition to local currency with the rest of your Microsoft Points.”
